Snuff Puppets Board
Annie Hariharan (She/Her) – Treasurer
Annie has a degree in Accounting and is a business consultant with PwC Australia. She is also a pop culture nerd and occasional feature writer, focused on movie or TV reviews and food history.
Janis Lacey (He/Him) – Secretary
Janis is an Industrial Designer specialising in designing and delivering textile-based goods. After graduating from Melbourne’s Swinburne University, Janis went on to join Crumpler, and eventually, lead the company’s design team for the better part of six years. He has since gone on to co-found Soft Serve Studio, a soft goods design consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia.
Joanna Feely (she/her)
Wearer of many hats in the digital engagement world. Currently Digital Campaigns Coordinator at BirdLife Australia, previously coordinated the Aussie Bird Count (2020, 2021). Fond of dinosaurs, polisher of opals, persistent Maker of Things.
Daniell Flood (He/Him)
X political graffiti artist & member of Snuff Puppets since 1992. Puppeteer with BBC’s Walking With Dinosaurs – The Arena Spectacular, DreamWorks’ How To Train Your Dragon Live Spectacular, Sanctum Theatre, A Blanck Canvas, Balooga, Creature Technology Company, Polyglot Theatre & Amsterdam’s Theatre of Hell.
Andy Freer (He/Him)
Andy is the founder and CEO, Artistic Director, creator, writer, designer, director, puppet-maker, puppeteer and performer at Snuff Puppets. He began making giant puppets in 1988 with Splinters Inc, co-founding Snuff Puppets in 1992. Andy has showcased the Snuff Puppets repertoire of productions, workshops and collaborations to more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and at home in Oceania.
We pay our respects to the late Kate Callingham, much loved & sorely missed on our Board. We also thank all of our past Board Members across the decades. x
We honour and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the traditional custodians of Country. Always Was, Always Will Be Aboriginal Land.