An immense show, with giant puppets, transforming sets, original music & huge projections.
Starring iconic Australian creatures, handmade by Snuff Puppets – a crafty Magpie; a bloodthirsty Mosquito; a dopey Koala; an egocentric Lyrebird; a skittish Frilled-Neck Lizard; a grand old Thylacine; a poisonous Cane Toad; and a 22-meter Serpent ouroboros devouring the cosmos.
Swamp... gigantic works of incredible art – Artshub
Snuffest & Swamp is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.
Thank You Jenny Hector, Womens Circus, The Village Festival, Remi Cady Freer, Ingrid Flood, Pat, Stefanie Oberhoff, Jack Covil, Clinton, Harry, Extinction Rebellion, Alex Cleary, Erin Farley, Martin Bowman of Clearlight
Special thanks to Purple Hen Winery (Phillip Island) for generously supplying exquisite red wines for the Snuff Bar!