5 JULY 2022: We want to celebrate and thank our brilliant Creative Producer Lauren Bok, who now is moving on from Snuff Puppets to focus on being a performer/comedian/freelancing LEGEND.
Lauren joined Snuff Puppets back in 2018. It is thanks to Lauren’s incredible stewardship that Snuff Puppets made it through one of the most challenging times in our and the arts industry history. We are so grateful for all the moments she made us laugh, for her grace, for her words of wisdom, for her endless empathy, and for being a total BOSS!
With a strong heart for community Lauren successfully expanded our local People Puppet Project’s, ushered in our most ambitious new works (Beasts of Oz/SWAMP) and secured our first international tour since the pandemic hit.
We are so thankful for the many wild stories we all share together. You know the kind of stories – the ones you laugh about over beers. The kind of stories that involve firetrucks at midnight, drumming in the band, ferrero rocher choccies up the dogs bum and beavers in Baden
We love ya, Lauren! And can’t wait to see all that you do. We’ll be in the front row cheering you on!