After a fun & productive start to the year we, like so many others, have had to pull the plug on upcoming plans. Tours to Portugal, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lithuania, Germany and Taiwan all now in suspended animation. Local collaborations with African Women’s Foundation and Vietnamese Community of Australia, as well as the inaugural Snuff Lovers fundraising Gala and string of roaming gigs, all coronaized.
But we are still here. We have taken our work home and are zooming away together, preparing some unexpected treats…
– New online content! Did someone say Viral Videos?
– Archival videos! We’ll be blowing the dust off some rare and unseen footage from the company’s 30-year history. Keep an eye on our award-winning Youtube channel.
– Watch LIVE online as puppets come “Off The Shelf” and perform for your entertainment.
– Work on the new show Swamp will continue.
We’ll be ready for gigs as soon as this strange veil is lifted. It feels like our industry is being gutted – it’s hard to watch and impossible to predict. But however long it takes, the day will come when people are able to laugh and dance and scream together in the streets again, and we’ll be waiting, ready to celebrate it with you all.
Stay safe & keep in touch.
Snuff Puppets.
Please consider a DONATION to help make new Snuff Puppets shows and videos! Snuff Puppets is a registered charity.